We will forever use our memories of his smile, his sense of humor, his
humilty and generosity, and his big-heart as an inspiration to make our lives,
and the lives around us more complete and whole.

February 7, 1985 - July 21, 2009

Friday, May 20, 2011

Stephen's Dinner For Life

To remember and honor our son who saved lives through the gift of organ donation, the Elrod family is sponsoring an evening, Saturday, June 18, dedicated to raising awareness about the crucial need for organ and tissue donation in Kentucky. Dinner will be served promptly at 7:00 followed by a double-organ recipient speaking. We will complete the evening with live country and southern rock music with the band, Borderline. Reservations are required by Sunday, June 12, by calling Judy at 859-472-1109 (h), 859-322-6332 (c), or email kybred60@aol.com. Seating is limited. Ticket price $35, or $250 for table of eight. Checks should be made out to "Stephen Elrod Memorial Fund" and can be mailed to "10568 Hwy 10 North, Foster, KY 41043". Proceeds from the event will benefit KY Circuit Court Clerk's Trust for Life, a non-profit organization for organ donation.